
"be" 是一个英语动词原型,也是一个不规则动词(irregular verb)。它的变形形式包括:

- 现在时:am, is, are

- 过去式:was, were

- 完成时:been

"be" 的主要作用是作为系动词(linking verb),连接主语与表语。例如:

- She is a doctor.(她是医生。)

- They were happy.(他们很开心。)

此外,"be" 也可以用作助动词(auxiliary verb),构成进行时态和被动语态。例如:

- I am studying for my exam.(我正在准备考试。)

- The book was written by a famous author.(这本书是由一位著名的作家写的。)

在口语中,"be" 经常缩写为 "'m", "isn't","aren't"等。例如:

- I'm going to the store.(我要去商店。)

- It isn't easy to learn a new language.(学习新语言不容易。)

- They aren't coming to the party.(他们不来参加聚会。)