

1. Chemical Product and Company Identification:

- Product Name: Nickel fluoride

- Chemical Formula: NiF2

- Synonyms: Nickel(II) fluoride, Nickel difluoride

- Manufacturer/Supplier: Depending on the source of the MSDS, this information may vary.

2. Hazards Identification:

- Classification: According to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, nickel fluoride is considered hazardous.

- Health hazards: May cause skin and eye irritation, respiratory tract irritation, and lung damage if inhaled.

- Environmental hazards: May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.

- Physical hazards: None identified.

- Emergency Overview: Powder or crystals, pale green. Odorless. May be harmful if swallowed or inhaled. May cause irritation to eyes, skin, and respiratory system.

3. Composition/Information on Ingredients:

- Chemical Name: Nickel fluoride

- CAS Number: 10028-18-9

- % by weight: This information may vary depending on the source of the MSDS.

4. First Aid Measures:

- Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing and wash affected areas with soap and water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention if irritation persists.

- Eye contact: Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while lifting the eyelids occasionally. Seek medical attention if irritation persists.

- Inhalation: Move to fresh air. If breathing difficulties occur, administer oxygen. Seek medical attention immediately.

- Ingestion: Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by a medical professional.

5. Fire Fighting Measures:

- Flash Point: Not applicable (non-flammable)

- Fire and Explosion Hazards: None identified.

- Extinguishing Media: Use extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding fire.

6. Accidental Release Measures:

- Personal precautions: Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) as indicated in Section 8. Avoid breathing dust or fumes.

- Environmental precautions: Prevent from entering drains, rivers, or lakes.

- Cleanup procedures: Sweep up spill and place in a labeled container for disposal. Rinse the affected area with water.

7. Handling and Storage:

- Handling: Use proper PPE to avoid skin and eye contact, inhalation, and ingestion. Avoid generating dust or fumes.

- Storage: Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible materials such as acids and oxidizers. Keep containers tightly closed.

8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection:

- Engineering controls: Provide adequate ventilation to maintain airborne concentrations below the exposure limits.

- Respiratory protection: Use NIOSH-approved respirators if exposure exceeds the occupational exposure limits.

- Eye protection: Use chemical safety goggles or face shield.

- Skin protection: Wear gloves and other protective clothing as necessary to prevent skin contact.

9. Physical and Chemical Properties:

- Appearance: Pale green powder or crystals

- Odor: Odorless

- Melting Point: 1,373 °C (2,503 °F)

- Boiling Point: 2,200 °C (3,990 °F)

- Solubility: Insoluble in water

10. Stability and Reactivity:

- Stability: Stable under normal conditions of use and storage.

- Incompatibility: May react with acids to form toxic gases.

- Hazardous decomposition products: Fumes of nickel oxide and fluoride may be released when heated to decomposition.

11. Toxicological Information:

- Acute toxicity: LD50 (oral, rat) > 2,000 mg/kg

- Skin corrosion/irritation: May cause skin irritation.

- Serious eye damage/eye irritation: May cause eye irritation.

- Respiratory or skin sensitization: None identified.

- Germ cell mutagenicity: None identified.

- Carcinogenicity: Nickel compounds are classified as carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

- Reproductive toxicity: None identified.

- Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure: May cause respiratory tract irritation and lung damage if inhaled.

- Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure: None identified.

12. Ecological Information:

- Ecotoxicity: May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.

- Persistence and degradability: No data available.

- Bioaccumulative potential: No data available.

- Mobility in soil: No data available.

13. Disposal Considerations:

- Waste disposal method: Dispose of according to local, state, and federal regulations.

14. Transport Information:

- UN number: 3288

- Proper shipping name: Nickel fluoride

- Hazard Class: 6.1

- Packing Group: III

15. Regulatory Information:

- OSHA Hazards: Toxic and irritant.

- SARA 313 components: Nickel fluoride (CAS No.